Blair Tuke speaks to TVNZ SUNDAY about exotic Caulerpa

By Live Ocean
12 March '24
Read time: 2 min
Article Summary​
Live Ocean co-founder Blair Tuke featured in TVNZ SUNDAY's story, visiting Omakiwi in the Bay of Islands with them to see the impacts of the invasive, exotic caulerpa first-hand.

The most significant marine biosecurity issue ever faced in Aotearoa New Zealand – the invasive, smothering seaweed, exotic Caulerpa.

On 10 March 2024 the exceptional investigative journalism team at TVNZ SUNDAY ran a story on the most significant marine biosecurity issue ever faced in Aotearoa New Zealand – the invasive, smothering seaweed, exotic Caulerpa.

Live Ocean co-founder Blair Tuke featured in their story, visiting Omakiwi in the Bay of Islands with them to see it first-hand.



Live Ocean is a marine conservation foundation committed to scaling up action for the ocean. Founded by sailors and ocean champions, Peter Burling and Blair Tuke, the foundation scales up marine science, innovation and outreach to connect and ignite people around the role a healthy ocean plays in a healthy future. We partner with exceptional New Zealand marine scientists, innovators and communicators whose work has global implications for the protection of the ocean and the life in it. To have a healthy future, we must have a healthy ocean.

The Live Ocean

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