Recovering Right Whales Chart New Course

SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALES credit Richard Robinson

This pilot study is a first glimpse of where today’s Tohorā go to feed in summer – and it shows a startling change from the whaling era. With only 2 of probably 2,000 Tohorā tracked, we need more information to understand how often the new and old feeding grounds are used. Live Ocean is helping to fund this important research being done by the University of Auckland.

Ocean Blindness

Ocean Blindness

The slow and diffuse progression of unpredictable factors like climate change and invasive species can be hard to detect. What baseline or yardstick can we use to make a call about ocean health?

A Gulf Between Us

A Gulf Between Us. The Hauraki Gulf . credit Josh McCormack

It was the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park, still New Zealand’s only national park of the sea. The event coincided with the release of the sixth State of the Gulf report, which summarises in a few neat pages the litany of failures, exploitation and incoherence that has led to the wholesale collapse of the one of the world’s most abundant ecosystems.